Transforming RealtyHook with DsgnStory Branding Agency

The brief

RealtyHook, a burgeoning real estate startup, approached DsgnStory Branding Agency with a compelling challenge: to reinvigorate their brand identity and messaging strategy. The company aspired to stand out in the competitive real estate market, connecting with customers in a meaningful and memorable way.

Project Description

RealtyHook recognized the need for a brand makeover aligned with their innovative approach to real estate. They aimed to create a powerful connection with their audience while clearly conveying their unique value proposition – simplifying property search through a user-friendly platform.

RealtyHook logo

Our Approach:

DsgnStory Branding Agency embarked on an immersive journey to understand RealtyHook’s core values, target audience, and aspirations. We collaborated closely with their team to extract the essence of their service and ethos.

Realty Hook logo outdoor mockup 3

Through creative brainstorming sessions, market research, and design exploration, we crafted a strategic approach that would reshape RealtyHook’s brand identity.

The Solution:

The new brand identity, “RealtyHook: Where Properties Find You,” encapsulates the brand’s commitment to simplifying the property search experience. DsgnStory Branding Agency devised a logo that harmoniously merges the concepts of connection and discovery.

Realty Hook logo colors

The vibrant color palette, inspired by the diversity of real estate, exudes warmth and approachability.


The reimagined RealtyHook brand has made a resounding impact on both customers and the industry. The revamped identity has not only rekindled existing user engagement but also attracted a new demographic seeking an intuitive real estate solution.

Realty Hook logo outdoor mockup 2

The bold and catchy tagline, “Where Properties Find You,” has become synonymous with RealtyHook’s promise to make property hunting effortless and enjoyable.


The collaboration between RealtyHook and DsgnStory Branding Agency has showcased the transformative power of strategic branding. Through meticulous analysis, creative ingenuity, and a deep understanding of the real estate landscape, RealtyHook has evolved into a magnetic brand that resonates with its audience.

This case study exemplifies how a synergy of vision, strategy, and design can propel a brand to new heights in the competitive business arena.


Realty Hook logo in a abstract background.
Realty Hook outdoor banner.
Realty Hook logo bag mockup

Partnering with DsgnStory Branding Agency was a game-changer for RealtyHook. Their expertise and passion breathed new life into our brand. The innovative approach they brought to the table, along with their creative prowess, gave us an identity that truly reflects our values. ‘RealtyHook: Where Properties Find You’ is not just a tagline, but a testament to the collaborative journey we undertook with DsgnStory. They didn’t just design our brand; they crafted an experience.

Creativity reimagined

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